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Defi expert claims that leading alts Polygon (MATIC) and Cardano (ADA) have "already created crypto wealth"

Polygon (MATIC) and Cardano

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What is Polygon (MATIC)?

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Polygon (MATIC) is a Layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum chain that solves some of the pain points of Ethereum. The project was founded in 2017 as Matic Network and rebranded to Polygon in 2021. It addresses the issues of high gas fees and slow transaction times on the Ethereum network by creating a parallel scaling solution that runs alongside the Ethereum network. This allows users to use the fast chain and all native Ethereum dApps.

Polygon has gained popularity in the DeFi space due to its interoperability with Ethereum and the applications on the popular network. Developers can build on Polygon using the tools they use on Ethereum, making it a popular choice for creating DeFi applications.

Is Cardano a Good Investment?

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Cardano (ADA) is a third-generation blockchain platform that aims to provide a more secure and scalable infrastructure for decentralized applications. The project was founded by Charles Hoskinson, one of the co-founders of Ethereum. Cardano uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which is more energy-efficient and allows for greater scalability than proof-of-work consensus mechanisms like Bitcoin.

Cardano has gained a lot of attention in the crypto space due to its unique approach to governance and its focus on academic research. The Cardano Foundation, the organization behind the project, has partnerships with several universities and research institutions to ensure that the project is built on a solid foundation of scientific research.

ICOs Best Way to Become Wealthy – Avorak AI

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According to Avorak AI, an artificial intelligence platform that analyzes investment opportunities in the cryptocurrency market, investing in ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) is the best way to become wealthy in crypto. ICOs are a way for startups to raise funds by issuing their own cryptocurrency tokens to investors. If the startup is successful, the value of the tokens can increase significantly, leading to significant gains for early investors.

Avorak AI is so successful in its approach that it has already raised over $1,000,000 and is looking to sell out very soon its ongoing ICO. An exchange listing with Azbit and the powerful AI-backed trading bots, chatbots, and image-generation tools convinces investors.

Final Thoughts

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In conclusion, both Polygon (MATIC) and Cardano (ADA) have been gaining popularity in the crypto space due to their unique approaches to scaling and governance. While investing in established coins can be lucrative, ICOs like those of Avorak AI remain the best way to achieve financial freedom.

Learn more here:

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Author: Jacqueline Anderson

Last Updated: 1704589442

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Name: Jacqueline Anderson

Birthday: 1925-08-01

Address: 22681 Lee Fork, North Georgestad, VA 81580

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Job: Physiotherapist

Hobby: Puzzle Solving, Motorcycling, Cycling, Stargazing, Bird Watching, Running, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Jacqueline Anderson, I am a Precious, dedicated, irreplaceable, Colorful, apt, daring, vivid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.